RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 Out , Download Direct Pdf

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 Out , Download Direct Pdf

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 Out , Download Direct Pdf-RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment 2024 notification has been released. After that, the candidates who are applying for this or the candidates who want to apply, all the candidates want to know about the syllabus and exam pattern for this recruitment. Tell them all that in this recruitment, we have provided complete information about syllabus and exam pattern step by step below. Apart from this, we have also given below the direct link to download the PDF of syllabus and exam pattern.

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024
RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 Overview

Board RPSC
Post Name Assistant Statistical Officer
No. of Vacancies  10 Post
Job Location  Rajasthan
Apply Last Date of Application form 24 February 2024
Selection Process Written Exam
Official Site  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)  has issued notification for 10 posts of Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer.Online applications for Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment 2024 will be filled from 25 January to 24 February 2024. Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern has also been released by Rajasthan Public Service Commission. Candidates can prepare well on the basis of Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024. Candidates can download Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 by visiting the direct link given below.

RPSC ASO Recruitment 2024 Selection Process

  • Written Exam
  • Document Verification
  • Final Merit List

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment 2024 Exam Pattern

  • The competitive examination shall carry 150 marks and 150 questions of Multiple Choice Type questions.
  • There shall be one paper. Duration of Paper will be 2 hours and 30 Minutes.
  • Negatitive marking shall b the applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer 1/3 of the marks.Prescribed for that particular questistion shall be deducted.
  • Explanation : Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.
S.No. Subjects Marks No. of Question
Part-A General Knowledge of Rajasthan 40 40
Part-B Concerned Subject 110 110
Total Marks 150 150

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Part A Syllabus 2024 : 40 Questions

Unit-I: History, Culture & Heritage of Rajasthan

Pre & early history of Rajasthan.

Age of Rajputs: Major dynasties of Rajasthan and the achievements of prominent rulers.

Emergence of Modern Rajasthan: factors of socio-political awakening of 19th century; Peasants and tribal movements of 20th century; Political struggle of 20th century and the integration of Rajasthan.

Visual Art of Rajasthan – Architecture of forts and temples of Rajasthan; Sculpture traditions of Rajasthan and various schools of painting of Rajasthan.

Performing Arts of Rajasthan – Folk music and musical instruments of Rajasthan; folk dance and folk drama of Rajasthan. Various religious cults, saints and folk deities of Rajasthan. Various dialects and its distribution in Rajasthan; literature of Rajasthani language.

Unit-II: Geography, Natural Resource & Socio-Economic Development of Rajasthan

Geography of Rajasthan: Broad physical features- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains & Desert; Major rivers and lakes; Climate and Agro-climatic regions; Major soil types and distribution; Major forest types and distribution; Demographic characteristics; Desertification, Droughts & Floods, Deforestation, Environmental Pollution and Ecological Concerns.

Economy of Rajasthan: Major Minerals- Metallic & Non- Metallic; Power Resources- Renewable and Non Renewable; Major agro based industries- Textile, Sugar, Paper & Vegetable oil; Poverty and Unemployment; Agro food parks.

Unit-III: Current Events and Issues of Rajasthan and India

Important Persons, Places and Current events of the State. National and International events of importance. New Schemes & Initiatives taken recently for welfare & development in Rajasthan.

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Part B Syllabus 2024 :  110 Questions

Descriptive Statistics

Classification, tabulation and frequency distribution. Diagramatic and Graphical Representation: Bar diagram, Pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve. Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median, mode, quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Measurers of Dispersion: Range, quartile deviation, mean deviation standard deviation, variance, co-efficient of variation, moments, measures of skewness and kurtosis.


Classical and Axiomatic approaches of probability, Conditional Probability, Bayes theorem, Simple problems on Probability. Random variable and Mathematical Expectation with applications, Chebychev’s inequality, Probability distributions: Probability mass function, Probability density function and their properties. Concept of moment generating function, cumulant generating function and characteristic function.

Theoretical distributions

Discrete probability distributions: Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, geometric and hyper geometric. Continuous probability distributions: Rectangular, normal, gamma and beta type one and type Two and Cauchy. Sampling distributions: Chi-square, t-distribution, F-distribution their applications and inter-relationship.

Correlation, Regression and Multivariate Analysis

Karl-Pearson’s co- efficient of correlation and Speareman’s rank correlation co-efficient, simple linear regression, method of least squares. Multivariate Normal Distribution, Hotelling’s distribution. Discriminant, Principal Component and Factor Analysis. Wishart’s  distribution and its properties.

Sampling methods

Simple random sampling with and without replacement,stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, sampling for proportions.

Experimental Design

Concept of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for one way and two-way classified data, uniformity trials, principles of design of experiments. Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design (RBD), Latin Square Design (LSD), missing plot technique, 22 and 23 factorial experiments in RBD, complete and partial confounding.

Theory of estimation and Testing of Hypothesis

Point and interval estimation, properties of estimators. Methods of estimation: method of least squares and maximum likelihood estimation. Confidence internal and confidence limits. Concept of hypothesis, types of errors, Neyman-Pearson’s lemma, parametric tests for large and small samples. Non-parametric tests: run, sign and median.

Time Series Analysis and Index Number

Components, Measurements of Trend, Seasonal, Cyclical and irregular variations, Autocorrelation, Auto regression, Periodogram. Uses, types, tests and limitations of index numbers, construction of index numbers, simple and weighted aggregate method, Simple and weighted average price-relatives, Chain base index numbers, base shifting, Splicing and Deflating of Index numbers, cost of Living index numbers.

Agriculture Statistics and Statistical Organization in India

Importance of Statistics in Agriculture, Agricultural statistical system in India, Agricultural Census, Livestock Census, Land use statistics. Agriculture Survey. National Agricultural Production Index. Crop production Index, CSO, NSSO, National Income Statistics, Population Census.

Interpolation, Extrapolation and Numerical Integration

Finite differences, divided differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation, Newton’s divided difference interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation, Starling’s interpolation and Bessel’s interpolation formulae, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule of numerical integration.

Linear Programming: Graphical method of solution of linear programming in two variables, convex sets and their properties, simplex method, Assignment problems, Transportation problems.


Various types of matrices, their basic operations and properties. Rank of a Matrix; Invertible matrices and their inverse. Determinants: Determinant of a square matrix and their properties. Solution of system of linear equations in two or three variables using inverse of a matrix. Theory of equations: Relation between the roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable. Transformation of equations. Descartes’ rule of signs.


Partial derivatives, curvature, asymptotes, envelopes and evolutes, maxima and minima of functions up to two variables, Beta and Gamma functions, double and triple integrals.

Advanced Calculus: Mean value theorems (Rolle’s, Lagrange’s, Taylor’s theorems), sequence and series with convergence properties.

Ordinary and Partial differential equations

Linear differential equations of first order and higher degree, Clairaut’s form, Linear differential equations of constant coefficients, ordinary homogeneous differential equations, Linear differential equations of second order with variable coefficients. Partial differential equations of first order, solution by Lagrange’s method.

Integral transforms and Special functions

Hypergeometric functions, Legendre’s polynomials, Bessel’s functions. Recurrence relations and orthogonal properties. Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform. Fourier sine and cosine transforms. Convolution theorem.

How to Download RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024

If you want to download the PDF of Syllabus and Exam Pattern for RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment, then for this you have to go to the official website of RPSC. After that you will have to go to the retirement area and click on the link of RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment Syllabus, after that the PDF of the advertisement will appear in front of you. You have to download this PDF and you will get information related to syllabus and exam pattern in that PDF and exam pattern , syllabus provided PDF here, which you can download directly through the link given below.

  • First of all you have to go to the official website.
  • After that you have to go to the field of News Section.
  • Click on the link of Rajasthan Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024.
  • After this the pdf of the syllabus will be downloaded in front of you.

RPSC ASO Syllabus 2024 Important Links


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